If your domain’s email is hosted on our cPanel servers

Applies to servers krypton.cloudhosting.uk and rubidium.cloudhosting.uk.

Incoming and Outgoing Server: this is usually mail.<yourdomain> or the appropriate server e.g. rubidium.cloudhosting.uk
(you must have an SSL certificate configured if you use your own domain)

Email Username : Your email address
Email Password : is set in your cPanel 

In your Email Client, ensure that you have the following settings…


The Server Requires Authentication to Send.
Use the same detail as Incoming (receiving).

Incoming Server Ports and Encryption (IMAP OR POP3):

If using IMAP, Incoming Server IMAP port is 993.
If using POP3, Incoming Server POP3 port is 995.
Encryption is SSL.

Outgoing Server Port and Encryption (SMTP):

Outgoing Server SMTP port is 465.
Encryption is SSL.

Categories: Email